Company information

Company Profile

Company name Net Smile, Inc.
Establishment 2013/10/25
CEO Yoshimitsu Saito
1993 Graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering
1995 Graduated from the University of Tokyo School of Engineering
Director of Japanese RPA Association
Business contents
  • Development and support of artificial intelligence / machine learning simulation and programming
  • Especially RPA, business automation, natural language processing, automatic dialog systems, AI for investment
  • Development and support of computer simulation programs
  • Development and support of mathematical science, technical computing, data analysis software
Capital 100 million YEN
Address Nanzando Building 3F, 4-1-11, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0034 Japan

CEO's notable publications

Application of hierarchical neural network to transient nonlinear finite element analysis
Shinobu Yoshimura (University of Tokyo), Genki Yagawa (University of Tokyo), Yoshimitsu Saito(University of Tokyo, graduate school), Akihiro Matsuda (University of Tokyo, graduate school)
Proceedings of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 3rd Design Engineering & System Division Lecture 318-321 (1993.6.17)
Neural network control of time step of nonstationary nonlinear finite element analysis
Shinobu Yoshimura (University of Tokyo), Genki Yagawa (University of Tokyo), Yoshimitsu Saito(University of Tokyo, graduate school), Akihiro Matsuda (University of Tokyo, graduate school)
Symposium on Numerical Analysis in Structural Engineering of Japan Steel Structure Association (1993.7.21) Vol. 17 513-518